For Christmas, I received a meaningful gift which I’ve used every day to start the new year. It’s a pack of cards with positive affirmations on for each week of the year. This week’s is “Take the time do more things that make your soul happy”. And it got me thinking about how much time I’ve spent worrying about things I can’t change or might not even happen. The mind can turn to those thoughts so easily, eh? Unless, you’re my husband who tells me a lot of wise words and he’ll love to hear this when I say – he’s right.

Often, he will ask me, “Will the things you’re worrying about right now matter in a few months’ or years’ time? Do you think the other person is worrying the same level as you?”

He calls me a “sensitive little soul” but also reminds me how strong I am when life gets tough. I can be bothered quite easily by comments that wouldn’t mean anything to the person next to me. The thing is, as much as the positive person I am, I can’t help but see things in a different light at times. You know, “What if… this or that?”

I picked up a very bad habit of bottling up my emotions up in the past. That was until mine and Danny’s friendship grew stronger and we fell in love. In the early days, I knew I could talk to him even though I thought I should be scared that he might run a mile or ten, but he didn’t. We’re married now and have a son, the greatest thing that could ever have happened to the both of us, is becoming parents.

It’s been a long journey but having Danny as my best friend for the last 11 years has proven what really makes me happy. I’ve discovered that what makes me happy doesn’t have to please everyone else. Nor does it mean a happy life is a perfect one.

Some days I smile as I stare at Danny with awe and think about all the ways he has supported me, the efforts he will go to to make me laugh, and how he has the biggest heart out of anyone I know. That makes me happy.

I’ll turn to look at the chaos around the house – toys and half bitten apples lying around. Every room might not be tidy but it’s a reminder that my son is exploring and learning new skills every day. He is living his childhood and I want that to be one of the brightest times of his life. Seeing him happy, that makes me happy.

It’s spring but it’s raining outside yet there’s still something therapeutic about hearing the drops hit the windows of the house. And I’m inside nice and cosy. That makes me happy.

Sometimes we (me and Danny) stop and wonder if we could get 10 more minutes to ourselves or go on dates more. But we’re here for living in these crazy but loveable moments with our toddler. It’s what life is about when you become a parent. And if anything, we want our son to have whatever we can give him in life. I don’t mean material things, I mean time, love, and showing up. That’s makes us and him happy too.

So, as you’re reading this post, here’s your reminder, to do more of what makes you happy. Every day is a chance to practice.

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